A very special interview with my friend , as well as my Public Allies and Emerge Arizona sister, Ayensa Millan

One of my favorite interviews from 2015 – enjoy this reblog!


Ayensa_Cima Law Firm

Hello Ayensa! Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed for my blog TWENTYFIRSTCENTURYWOMAN.

Please tell us about yourself – especially for the readers not familiar with your story and your life experiences that led you into a thriving career in immigration law.
(The following is from her personal bio.)

I was born in Caborca, Mexico and grew up In Puerto Penasco with my maternal grandparents. Like many other immigrants, my mother, Cecilia, migrated to the United States in hopes of a better life for the two of us. At the age of 16, after being separated from my mother for many years due to immigration obstacles, which fueled my desire to pursue a career in the legal field, I received my residency and moved to Phoenix, Arizona with my mother and younger brother.
I graduated from Trevor G. Browne High School and obtained dual Bachelor Degrees in Political Science and…

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Watch “Relieve Tense Shoulders & Neck Pain – Daily Stretch Routine, 20 Mins | How to, Upper Body Stretches” on YouTube

https://youtu.be/KBSI0KJBy1U My Sunday afternoon has consisted of 3 sweaty stretching videos. I know stretching sounds easy, but when you find the right trainer for you, that understands your needs, stretching can be pretty intense! I just completed a little over an hour! All stretching videos were from Coach Miina on Psychetruth YouTube channel. So proud…